The State Arboretum of Virginia is home to more than 6,000 woody trees and shrubs, including a unique 300-tree ginkgo grove and a 36-tree Cedar of Lebanon allee. The Arboretum is part of Blandy Experimental Farm, a research field station for the University of Virginia’s Department of Environmental Sciences.
Blandy Experimental Farm is on Route 50 in Clarke County, about 10 miles east of Winchester and 20 miles west of Middleburg. Directions and a calendar of events are online at The grounds of Blandy Experimental Farm are open from dawn to dusk, 365 days a year.
Blandy Chats
New this year, meet Blandy staff at specified locations for quick fun and illuminating information about Blandy . Learn about the different areas of Blandy Experimental Farm’s 700 acres and get inspired by the flora and fauna of the land. A short daily chat will be provided by Blandy staff at 10:00-10:10 and 1:30- 1:40 daily at a variety of locations. Stop by for a casual, informative talk about the area and give a deeper perspective to your paintings!
1:40-1:50 Peetwood Pavilion
2:00-2:10 Quarters Courtyard
10:00 - 10:10 Native Plant Trail -woodland
1:30 -1:40 Gingko Grove
10:00 -10:10 Research Compound
See you at the chats!
Blandy Art by Radford Wine.